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IPCC has its origin in the UMELCO Police Group which evolved into the Police Complaints Committee (PCC), a non-statutory but independent body commissioned by the then Governor in 1986. The PCC was renamed the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) in December 1994.

In July 1996, the Administration introduced into the then Legislative Council (LegCo) an IPCC Bill to turn the then IPCC into a statutory body and to provide for a legal basis for the discharge of its functions. In view of a number of Committee Stage Amendments which were carried out and deemed unacceptable by the Administration, the 1996 Bill was subsequently withdrawn by the Secretary for Security in June 1997.

A decade later, in July 2007, the Administration re-introduced a new IPCC Bill into LegCo. The Bill sought to incorporate the then existing IPCC into a statutory body and to provide for its functions, powers and operations. After a nine-month scrutiny at LegCo, the Bill was passed in July 2008.

The IPCC Ordinance came into operation on 1 June 2009 and the statutory IPCC was established on the same day.
