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Access to information

Home > Access to information

Requests for information on records held by IPCC (related to non-personal data) may be made by filling in the application form which can be downloaded or obtained at the IPCC office. Applications should be addressed to:

Independent Police Complaints Council
Rooms 1006-10, 10/F, China Resources Building,
No. 26 Harbour Road,
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong

Other than publications/information available free of charge or at a price specified, the following photocopying charge will be levied:

Procedures and charges

Photocopying, black and white on A4 size paper HK $1.5 per photocopy
(In this context, a document usually means a booklet, a report, or an enclosure in a file.)

The above charge is subject to revision from time to time.

Please contact the IPCC Secretariat at 2524 3841 / 2862 8399 for enquiries.

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