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Drama series and videos

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Drama series

Since becoming an independent statutory body, the IPCC has been proactively discharging its functions under section 8(1)(e) of IPCC Ordinance and engaging with stakeholders through multiple promotional channels to enhance public understanding of its functions and the two-tier police complaints system. In 2012 and 2015, the IPCC introduced two TV drama series named IPCC Files, which received widespread public acclaim and were both within the top 20 of the “TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey” in the respective years.

In 2021, the IPCC produced a new TV drama series named IPCC Frontline. The stories were adapted from real complaint cases pertinent to daily life, such as traffic enforcement, stop and search, etc. IPCC Frontline illustrated the operation of the two-tier police complaints system and the daily work of IPCC Members, Observers and the vetting teams of the Secretariat. Through camera lens and the fantastic performance by the cast, the audience get a glimpse of the IPCC’s work from various perspectives.

IPCC Frontline (2021) Watch IPCC Frontline (2021) (available in Chinese only)
IPCC Files (2015) Watch IPCC Files (2015) (available in Chinese only)
IPCC Files (2012) Watch IPCC Files (2012) (available in Chinese only)


CAPO video 1 Watch video on complaints handling procedures by CAPO (available in Chinese only)
CAPO video 2 Watch video on Informal Resolution (available in Chinese only)
