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Members of the IPCC are divided into three sub-groups to examine the investigation reports submitted by CAPO. The IPCC has also set up five Committees so as to perform its functions more efficiently.

The members and terms of reference of the five Committees are as follows:

Serious Complaints Committee
Publicity & Community Relations Committee
Management Committee
Operations Advisory Committee
Legal Committee

Serious Complaints Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To determine the criteria of serious cases that should come under the monitoring of the Committee;
  2. To examine and determine special procedures for monitoring serious complaints;
  3. To examine the need to seek outside professional advice / service to facilitate the scrutiny of complaint cases;
  4. To examine the findings of serious complaint cases after investigation has been completed and put forward its recommendations to the Chairman;
  5. To put forward any issues in relation to the monitoring of serious complaint cases for the IPCC's deliberation as the Committee deems appropriate.


Chairman : Hon Ronick CHAN Chun-ying, BBS, JP
Members : Hon SHIU Ka-fai, BBS, JP
Dr Daniel CHAN Ching-yan, BBS, MH
Ms Mabel CHAN Mei-bo, JP
Mr CHAN Chak-ming
Ms Cindi HUI Ming-ming
Dr Desmond NGUYEN Gia-hung
Mr Kevin CHAN Wing-tak
Mr Matthew LAM Kin-hong, BBS, MH, JP
Dr Jimmy WONG Chi-ho, SBS, BBS, JP
Dr Stanley YIM Yuk-lun, SBS, BBS, JP
Mr Jonathon CHONG Chong-yip, BBS, JP

Publicity and Community Relations Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To consider measures that could enhance the image and public understanding of IPCC;
  2. To consider and approve publicity and community relations-related activities which have been budgeted for, including:
    • content and design of publicity materials, such as annual reports, website, videos, publications and other promotional materials;
    • launching of publicity activities and surveys;
    • selection and commissioning of contractors to assist in such projects;
  3. To monitor progress and quality of the projects in (b);
  4. To consider and advise on the annual publicity plan for the IPCC's consideration;
  5. To put forward any publicity and community relations-related issues for the IPCC's deliberation as the Committee deems appropriate.


Chairman : Dr Daniel CHAN Ching-yan, BBS, MH
Members : Ms Mabel CHAN Mei-bo, JP
Ms Cindi HUI Ming-ming
Dr Desmond NGUYEN Gia-hung
Mr Ivan SZE Wing-hang, BBS, JP
Dr Jimmy WONG Chi-ho, SBS, BBS, JP
Mrs Helena PONG TUNG Ching-yee

Management Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To oversee major areas of work of the Secretariat;
  2. To consider and approve:
    • any changes to the annual budget;
    • appointment, interdiction from duty, and termination of employment of employees at Assistant Secretary-General and Senior Vetting Officer/Senior Research Officer/Senior Manager ranks;
    • key administrative matters that affect the services of IPCC;
    • proposed new contracts with estimated value above $250,000 or covering a new area of activity, with the exception of those contracts or activities which come under the purview of the Publicity and Community Relations Committee;
  3. To put forward any administrative and management issues for the IPCC's deliberation as the Committee deems appropriate.


Chairman : Ms Mabel CHAN Mei-bo, JP
Members : Hon Ronick CHAN Chun-ying, BBS, JP
Dr Daniel CHAN Ching-yan, BBS, MH
Mr Randy YU Hon-kwan, MH, JP
Ms Cindi HUI Ming-ming
Mr Kevin CHAN Wing-tak
Mr Matthew LAM Kin-hong, BBS, MH, JP
Dr Jimmy WONG Chi-ho, SBS, BBS, JP
Mr Jonathon CHONG Chong-yip, BBS, JP

Operations Advisory Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To advise the Secretariat on general issues and matters of significant importance arising from the scrutiny and examination of Reportable Complaints (RC), Notifiable Complaints (NC) categorisation and cases resolved by Expression of Dissatisfaction Mechanism (EDM) as well as monitoring actions on Service Quality Improvement Initiatives, and, where it deems appropriate, make recommendations for the IPCC's consideration;
  2. To co-ordinate Working Level Meetings (WLM) with CAPO and nominate IPCC Members to chair the WLM;
  3. Upon review, observations or report of the Secretariat, to advise on the existing police complaint process and, where appropriate and necessary, make recommendations to streamline the existing workflows for complaint handling, from the intake to disposal of complaints, with a view to further improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the IPCC case examination process; and to this end it will be consulted by the Secretariat on the review of the IPCC Vetting Manual, police manuals, orders, standing procedures, instructions or guidelines which are related to complaints or complaints handling; and, where it deems appropriate, make recommendations for the IPCC's consideration;
  4. To advise the Secretariat on research projects and studies to be undertaken by the Secretariat in relation to the work of IPCC, and, where it deems appropriate, make recommendations for the IPCC's consideration.


Chairman : Prof LIN Feng
Members : Ms Mabel CHAN Mei-bo, JP
Mr Randy YU Hon-kwan, MH, JP
Mr CHAN Chak-ming
Ms Cindi HUI Ming-ming
Dr Desmond NGUYEN Gia-hung
Mr Ivan SZE Wing-hang, BBS, JP
Dr Jimmy WONG Chi-ho, SBS, BBS, JP
Mrs Helena PONG TUNG Ching-yee

Legal Committee

Terms of Reference

To comment and express views on the following as may be required by the Council or Secretariat from time to time.
  1. Legal issues arising from the examination of complaint cases;
  2. Interpretation of the Independent Police Complaints Council Ordinance and Independent Police Complaints Council’s internal rules and regulations;
  3. Legal research arising from or incidental to the Council’s work;
  4. Legal issues arising from the operation and/or administration of the Council;
  5. Any other legal issues related or incidental to the Council’s work.
Legal Committee may require the Secretariat to assist in carrying out the above.


Chairman : Mr CHAN Chak-ming
Members : Hon Jimmy NG Wing-ka, BBS, JP
Ms Cindi HUI Ming-ming
Prof LIN Feng
Mr Kevin CHAN Wing-tak
Mr Matthew LAM Kin-hong, BBS, MH, JP
