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Other ways of handling complaints

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Some complaints are dealt with by ways other than conducting full investigation. These complaints are classified as follows:


A complaint is classified as 'Withdrawn' where the complainant does not wish to pursue the complaint made.

Where complainants themselves have withdrawn their complaints, IPCC will ensure that no undue influence has been exerted on the complainants and that any lessons which can be learnt are learnt and remedial actions are taken accordingly.

A complainant's withdrawal does not necessarily result in the case being classified as 'Withdrawn'. IPCC and CAPO will examine the available evidence to ascertain whether a full investigation is warranted despite the withdrawal and/or whether any of the allegations are substantiated on the basis of the information available.

Not Pursuable

An allegation is classified as 'Not Pursuable' where the identity of the officer(s) being complained against cannot be ascertained; or where there is insufficient information to proceed with the investigation; or when it has not been possible to obtain the co-operation of the complainant to proceed with the investigation.

The definition does not mean that when the complainant cannot identify the complainee, no further action will be taken. CAPO will still make an effort to identify the complainee(s) on the basis of the information available. Only after such an effort produces no result will a conclusion be reached that the identity of the complainee cannot be ascertained.

If a complaint has been classified as 'Not Pursuable' because of the lack of cooperation from the complainant, this may be reactivated later as and when the complainant comes forward to provide the necessary information.


A complaint is classified as 'Curtailed' where a complaint has been registered with CAPO but on the authorization of the Chief Superintendent (Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch), is curtailed, i.e. not to be investigated further, owing to special circumstances such as known mental condition of the complainant.

Informally Resolved

The Informal Resolution (IR) scheme aims at a speedy resolution of minor complaints, such as allegations of impoliteness or use of offensive language, the nature of which is considered as relatively minor.

A minor complaint suitable for IR will not be subject to a full investigation. Instead, a senior officer, at least at the rank of Chief Inspector of Police, will act as the Conciliating Officer (CO). The CO will make enquiry into the facts of a complaint with the complainant and complainee separately. If he is satisfied that the matter is suitable for IR and if the complainant agrees, the complaint will be informally resolved. IR will only be adopted if the complainant agrees to this.

Watch video on Informal Resolution (available in Chinese only)
