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Privacy policy

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The protection of privacy in relation to personal data is the concern of the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC). We respect personal data and are obliged to fully implement and comply with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486 (the Ordinance) and codes of practices issued by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data. To this end, IPCC undertakes to:

  1. collect personal data directly related to the functions and activities of IPCC, only for lawful purposes, and by lawful and fair means;
  2. take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the personal data are accurate, up-to-date and kept no longer than necessary;
  3. use the personal data collected only for purposes or directly related purposes for which the data were to be used at the time of collection, unless the individual concerned has given prescribed consent for a change of use or such use is permitted by law;
  4. take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that personal data are protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use;
  5. take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that a person can be informed of the kinds of personal data that IPCC holds and the purposes for which the data are to be used; and
  6. permit persons to access and correct personal data of which they are the data subjects and process any such access/correction requests in a manner permitted or required by law.

Kinds of personal data held

There are three broad categories of personal data held by the IPCC. They are personal data contained in –

  • police complaints records, which include personal data of complainants, complainees and witnesses subject to the police complaints system (complaint data);
  • personnel records, which include personal data of the employees of the IPCC, matters relating to terms and conditions of service, salary and allowances, payment records, fringe benefits, performance appraisal and discipline, etc.; and
  • other records, which include personal particulars of IPCC Members, Observers, service staff of contractors, and members of the public who make enquiries or complaints (other than police complaints) to the IPCC, etc.

Main purposes of keeping personal data

In general terms, we collect personal data for the following purposes –

  • to ensure that investigations by the Complaints Against Police Office of the Hong Kong Police Force are carried out in a thorough, impartial and efficient manner under the operation of the police complaints system, and for the purpose of research and statistics;
  • to serve employment-related purposes, relating to such matters as recruitment/appointment, personnel services and staff management, etc. for employees of the IPCC; and
  • to serve various purposes such as the appointment of Members and Observers, engagement of contractors and dealing with enquiries or complaints (other than police complaints) from members of the public.


The Deputy Secretary-General (Management) is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Ordinance and relevant codes of practice within the IPCC.

The following are maintained to ensure compliance with the Ordinance:

Data access or correction requests

Data access or correction requests may be made by letter or on a request form obtainable from the public enquiry counter at rooms 1006-10, 10/F, China Resources Building, No. 26 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Requests should be addressed to –

Secretary-General, Independent Police Complaints Council,
(Attn: Manager (Human Resources) )
Rooms 1006-10, 10/F, China Resources Building,
No. 26 Harbour Road, Wan Chai,
Hong Kong


A photocopying charge is imposed at the rate of HK$1.5 per page (the charge is subject to revision from time to time).

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