26 January 2022
Ms Regina Lau, Deputy Secretary-General (Operations) (Ag), gave an online lecture via video communication platform to students studying Diploma Yi Jin course “Police Force Practice” at Caritas Institute of Community Education. Through sharing the latest complaint statistics and real complaint cases, students were given an insight into the role and statutory functions of the IPCC. Ms Lau also exchanged views with the attending instructor and students on the rights and responsibilities of complainants. The attendees participated in the discussion enthusiastically and expressed their appreciation of the latest IPCC Frontline TV drama produced by the Council.
5 January 2022
Mr Daniel Mui (Secretary-General) attended the Kwai Tsing District Fight Crime Committee (DFCC) meeting. He briefed the Committee on the role and statutory functions of the IPCC and exchanged views with the DFCC Members on the two-tier police complaints system. The audience was particularly interested in the Observers Scheme and expressed their appreciation of the IPCC's effort in maintaining a fair and just complaints system.
8 December 2021
Mr Daniel Mui (Secretary-General) was invited to attend the Kowloon City District Fight Crime Committee meeting and briefed the Committee on the role and statutory functions of the IPCC. He also exchanged views with the attending members on the handling of false complaints as well as complainants’ rights and responsibilities. The Committee appreciated the effort made by the IPCC in the Thematic Study on the large-scale public order events in 2019, and trusted that the Council’s subsequent report could help clarify facts in a fair and objective manner.
7 October 2021
Mr Daniel Mui (Acting Secretary-General) attended Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime Committee meeting and briefed the Committee on the role and statutory functions of the IPCC. He also exchanged views with the attending members on the trend of complaints, false complaints as well as Complainants' rights and responsibilities.
9 June 2021
Following the lecture delivered by the IPCC for the Youth Leadership Training Programme organised by the Hong Kong United Youth Association (HKUYA) in March this year, the Chairman of HKUYA, Mr George Lau, led a delegation to pay a reciprocal visit to IPCC on 9 June 2021. During the visit, Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing (Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee), Council Member Mr Johnny Yu Wah-yung and Acting Secretary-General Mr Daniel Mui gave a presentation on the two-tier police complaints system and the role and statutory functions of the IPCC to the delegation. The visit enabled the delegation to have a better understanding of the work of IPCC and there was fruitful discussion on how to strengthen cooperation between the two organisations in community education and stakeholder engagement.
3 June 2021
The IPCC received a delegation of ten participants from the Mainland who attended the Common Law Training Scheme organised by the Department of Justice. During the meeting, Mr Paul Lam Ting-kwok (Chairman of Legal Committee), Council Members Miss Sylvia Lee Hiu-wah, Ms Jane Curzon Lo, JP, and Acting Secretary-General Mr Daniel Mui introduced the two-tier police complaints system in Hong Kong as well as the role and statutory functions of the IPCC to these Mainland Officials from various political and legal departments. In addition to actively raising questions regarding the Council’s work, the delegates also shared their experience of complaint handling with regard to legal and law enforcement departments in their respective provincial or municipal governments. The events allowed both parties to deepen their understanding of each other’s systems.
27 April 2021
The IPCC attaches great importance on enhancing engagement with various stakeholders. To facilitate communication and engagement amongst internal stakeholders, the “IPCC Observers Workshop 2021” was held on 27 April 2021. Apart from about 50 Observers participating and sharing their experience, the Workshop was attended by Dr Anthony Francis Neoh, Chairman of the IPCC, Council Members Hon Ronick Chan Chun-ying (Vice-Chairman), Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing (Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee), Mr Alex Chu Wing-yiu (Chairman of Operations Advisory Committee), Mr Roland Wong Ka-yeung (Chairman of Management Committee), Mr Paul Lam Ting-kwok (Chairman of Legal Committee), Ms Ann Au Chor-kwan (Chairlady of Case Vetting Sub-group 4), Miss Sylvia Lee Hiu-wah, Professor Martin Wong Chi-sang, Mr Johnny Yu Wah-yung, Mrs Helen Yu Lai Ching-ping, Dr Daniel Chan Ching-yan, Miss Mabel Chan Mei-bo, acting Secretary-General Mr Daniel Mui and Secretariat representatives. Ms Rebecca Lam Hiu-tong, Director of Management Services of the Police Force, Ms Anna Tsang Yim-sheung, Assistant Commissioner of Police (Service Quality), Ms Monica Au Yeung Mun Yee, Chief Superintendent (Complaints & Internal Investigations Branch), and CAPO representatives were also invited to this event.
At the “Observers Scheme Acknowledgement Ceremony” held on the same occasion, Dr Neoh, on behalf of the Council, presented the Long Service Award to Mr Charles Cheung who retired in March 2021 in recognition of his contribution for the past years. In addressing the audience, Dr Neoh expressed his heartfelt thanks to all Observers for their tireless support and professionalism in performing their duties while Ms Rebecca Lam re-affirmed the Observers’ contribution to the effective operation of the two-tier police complaints system. Acting Secretary-General Mr Daniel Mui took the opportunity to present the IPCC’s work plan focusing on service quality improvement initiatives and enhancing public confidence and trust in the two-tier complaints-handling system. The representative of CAPO also provided an update on the implementation progress of the 52 recommendations put forward by the IPCC in its Thematic Study.
At the end of the sharing session, Ms Rebecca Lam was glad to remark that “Experience shared by Observers attests to the high standard of professionalism adopted by CAPO in carrying out complaint investigation. Observers have offered forward-looking opinions, especially in the context of equipping all frontline policemen with body camera and issue of electronic ticket for traffic offence, which are exactly what the Police is doing for the purpose of complaint prevention.”
The Council also expressed their sincere gratitude to the Force for providing the Hong Kong Police College as the venue for this workshop. The IPCC will continue to promote and enhance public understanding of the IPCC’s work and the two-tier police complaints system.
1 April 2021
Ms Regina Lau, Deputy Secretary-General (Operations) (Ag) gave a lecture to students of Higher Diploma in “Criminology” and Diploma Yi Jin course in “Police Force Practice” at Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education, The Open University of Hong Kong via video communication platform. By sharing latest statistics and real complaint cases, Ms Lau shed light on the statutory role and functions of the IPCC. The exchange was extensive and cordial where lecturer and students expressed their interest in a number of topics including the classification and handling process of complaints, Observers Scheme as well as staff training.