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16 March 2021

At the Joint Meeting between the IPCC and CAPO, the Force gave a presentation on dissemination of information to the public, and updated the progress of follow-up work on the 52 recommendations put forward by the IPCC in its Thematic Study Report. After the Joint Meeting, Dr Anthony Francis Neoh, Chairman of the IPCC (Photo on the right, centre), accompanied by Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing, Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee (Photo on the right, right), and Mr Daniel Mui, Acting Secretary-General (Photo on the right, left) met with the media to introduce the twenty-seventh issue of the IPCC Newsletter, as well as to offer the latest complaints statistics arising from the Public Order Events and the vetting progress of complaint investigation reports submitted by CAPO.

16/03/2021 Press events(1)16/03/2021 Press events(2)

5 March 2021

Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing (Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee) and Members Miss Sylvia Lee Hiu-wah, Mr Johnny Yu Wah-yung, Mrs Helen Yu Lai Ching-ping and Miss Mabel Chan Mei-bo, accompanied by Mr Daniel Mui (Secretary-General, Acting), hosted a media workshop to introduce IPCC’s work and two-tier police complaints system and share their working experience as IPCC Members. The workshop aims to deepen frontline reporters’ understanding of IPCC’s work, statutory roles and functions, as well as to enhance the Council’s networking and engagement with the media.

05/03/2021 Press events(1)05/03/2021 Press events(2)

15 December 2020

At the Joint Meeting between the IPCC and CAPO, the Force gave a presentation on digital video recording devices of Hong Kong Police, and updated the progress of follow-up work on the 52 recommendations put forward by the IPCC in its Thematic Study Report. After the Joint Meeting, Dr Anthony Francis Neoh, Chairman of the IPCC (Photo on the right, second from the left), accompanied by Hon Tony Tse Wai-chuen, Vice Chairman (Photo on the right, second from the right), Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing, Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee (Photo on the right, first from the right), and Mr Richard Yu, Secretary-General (Photo on the right, first from the left) met with the media to introduce the 2019/20 Report, and to and offered the latest complaints statistics arising from the Public Order Events, the vetting progress of complaint investigation reports submitted by CAPO and the Council’s observations while vetting these cases.

15/12/2020 Press events(1)15/12/2020 Press events(2)

15 September 2020

At the Joint Meeting between the IPCC and CAPO, the Force gave a presentation on resilience training for police officers, and updated the progress of follow-up work on the 52 recommendations put forward by the IPCC in its Thematic Study Report. After the Joint Meeting, Dr Anthony Francis Neoh, Chairman of the IPCC (Photo on the right, second from the left), accompanied by Hon Tony Tse Wai-chuen, Vice Chairman (Photo on the right, second from the right), Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing, Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee (Photo on the right, first from the right), and Mr Richard Yu, Secretary-General (Photo on the right, first from the left) met with the media to offer the latest complaints statistics relating to Public Order Events, the vetting progress of complaint investigation reports submitted by CAPO and the Council’s observations while vetting these cases.

15/09/2020 Press events(1)15/09/2020 Press events(2)

16 June 2020

At the joint meeting between IPCC and CAPO, the Force gave a presentation on the handling procedures of death enquiry and missing persons, and updated the progress of the follow-up work on the 52 recommendations made by the IPCC in its Thematic Study Report. After the Joint Meeting, Dr Anthony Francis Neoh, Chairman of the IPCC (Photo on the right, third from right), accompanied by Hon Tony Tse Wai-chuen Vice-Chairman (Photo on the right, second from right), Mr Herman HUI Chung-shing, Chairman of Operations Advisory Committee (Photo on the right, first from right), Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing, Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee (Photo on the right, second from left), and Mr Richard Yu, Secretary-General (Photo on the right, first from left), met the media to further address enquiries about IPCC's Thematic Study Report and offered the latest complaints statistics arising from the Public Order Events.

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May and June 2020

Following publication of its "Thematic Study Report on the Public Order Events arising from the Fugitive Offenders Bill since June 2019 and the Police Actions in Response", Dr Anthony Francis Neoh (Chairman), Hon Tony Tse Wai-chuen (Vice-Chairman), and Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing (Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee) conducted interviews with various local, mainland and international media organisations, including Cable TV News, CNBC, CRHK, HK01, Now TV, RTHK and Xinhua News Agency to enhance public understanding of the Thematic Study Report and IPCC's work.

May and June Press events(1)May and June Press events(2)May and June Press events(3)
May and June Press events(4)May and June Press events(5)May and June Press events(6)
May and June Press events(7)May and June Press events(8)

15 May 2020

The IPCC published its "Thematic Study Report on the Public Order Events ("POEs") arising from the Fugitive Offenders Bill since June 2019 and the Police Actions in Response" ("the Report"). Dr Anthony NEOH (Photo on the left, centre position) and members of the Task Force Steering Group, namely Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, Chairman of Serious Complaints Committee (Photo on the left, third from right), Mr Herman HUI Chung-shing, SBS, MH, JP, Chairman of Operations Advisory Committee (Photo on the left, third from left), Mr Clement CHAN Kam-wing, MH, Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee (Photo on the left, second from right), Mr Douglas LAM Tak-yip, SC, Chairman of Legal Committee (Photo on the left, first from right), accompanied by Mr Richard YU (Photo on the left, second from left) and Mr Daniel MUI (Photo on the left, first from left), hosted a press conference for publication of the Report and elaborated details of the Report to the public. Council Members, including Mr Alex CHU Wing-yiu (Photo in centre, second from right), Prof Martin WONG Chi-sang (Photo in centre, first from right), Mr Johnny YU Wah-yung, JP (Photo in centre, second from left), and Mr Roland WONG Ka-yeung (Photo in centre, first from left) also attended the press conference.

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15 May 2020

The IPCC published its "Thematic Study Report on the Public Order Events ("POEs") arising from the Fugitive Offenders Bill since June 2019 and the Police Actions in Response" ("the Report"). Dr Anthony NEOH, QC, SC, JP, Chairman of the IPCC (Photo on the left, third from right) and members of the Task Force Steering Group, namely Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, Chairman of Serious Complaints Committee (Photo on the left, second from left), Mr Herman HUI Chung-shing, SBS, MH, JP, Chairman of Operations Advisory Committee (Photo on the left, second from right), Mr Clement CHAN Kam-wing, MH, Chairman of Publicity and Survey Committee (Photo on the left, first from left), and Mr Douglas LAM Tak-yip, SC, Chairman of Legal Committee (Photo on the left, first from right), submitted the Report to the Chief Executive in the morning. Mr Richard Yu, CDSM, CMSM (Secretary-General) (Photo on the right, second from left) and Mr Daniel Mui (Deputy Secretary-General, Operations) (Photo on the right, first from left) delivered the Report to Ms LAU Chi-wai, Edwina, PMSM (Director of Management Services of the Police Force) (Photo on the right, second from right) and Mr KAN Kai Yan, Andrew (Assistant Commissioner of Police (Service Quality Wing))(Photo on the right, first from right).

15/05/2020 Press events(1)15/05/2020 Press events(2)
