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Date Title
09 Mar 2016 The IPCC continuously outreaches to various stakeholders
31 Dec 2015 Government announces appointments to IPCC (Government Press Release)
02 Dec 2015 IPCC Report 2014/15 reveals a decreasing trend in the overall number of complaints
22 Oct 2015 The IPCC releases a special report into complaint cases concerning the policing of public order events
12 Oct 2015 IPCC work update on the Occupy Movement
22 Jul 2015 IPCC holds a special in-house meeting to discuss a complaint case involving the alleged assault by a Police Superintendent
19 Jul 2015 The latest developments of the IPCC’s review of the complaint case involving the alleged assault by a Police Superintendent
29 Jun 2015 Survey shows substantial increase in public awareness of the IPCC
13 May 2015 Special Panel Report on complaints / queries / concerns against 7 IPCC Members & 3 ex-IPCC Members
04 May 2015 IPCC and RTHK's joint production of the TV series IPCC Files premieres on Tuesday, artists attend the launch ceremony to show their support (Chinese version only)
27 Apr 2015 New look of the IPCC website (with photos)

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